
  • Capital:
    Dodoma (Tanzania)
  • Surface:
    2 643 km² (Tanzania)
  • Population number:
    1 304 000 (Zanzibar)
  • HDI:
    0.531/1 (2015) (Tanzania)
  • Most vulnerable sectors:
    Agriculture, fishing, water resources (Zanzibar)

Climate change effects : 

  • Drought ;
  • Temperature rise ;
  • Seal level rise ;
  • Sea water infiltration in the fields ;
  • Coral death ;
  • Fishes loss ;


Risk profiles : 



GHGs emissions : 

286.49 MtCO2e (tons equivalent CO2) in 2012.


GHGs goals : 

Tanzania will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10% to 20% by 2030 accordingly to the BAU scenario, that is to say a reduction of 138 to 153 million of tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e).


Reference period : 

Until 2030


Budget : 

The total amount of the financial resources needed for the implementation of the adaptation contributions is about 500 million USD to 1 billion USD per year, and 60 billion USD total for mitigation contribution in Tanzania.


Targeted sectors : 

  • Mitigation: energy, transport, forests and waste management ;
  • Adaptation: agriculture, farming, coastal and marine environment, fishing, water resources, forestry, healthcare, tourism, human establishments and energy ;
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